Responsible Care

American Chemistry Council

As a member of the American Chemistry Council (ACC), Carus takes great pride in its commitment to Responsible Care®.

An integral part of the ACC, Responsible Care has helped to improve the environment, health, safety and security of member companies as well as the communities in which they reside since its inception in 1988.

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Guiding Principles

Each ACC member company agrees to follow these Responsible Care Guiding Principles:

  • To lead in ethical ways that increasingly benefits society, the economy, and the environment.
  • To design and develop products that can be manufactured, transported, used and disposed of or recycled safely.
  • To work with customers, carriers, suppliers, distributors and contractors to foster the safe and secure use, transport and disposal of chemicals and provide hazard and risk information that can be accessed and applied in their operations and products.
  • To design and operate facilities in a safe, secure and environmentally sound manner.
  • To instill a culture throughout all levels of the organizations to continually identify, reduce and manage process safety risks.
  • To promote pollution prevention, minimization of waste and conservation of energy and other critical resources at every stage of the life cycle of products.
  • To cooperate with governments at all levels, and with organizations, in the development of effective and efficient safety, health, environmental and security laws, regulations and standards.
  • To support education and research on the health, safety, environmental effects and security of products and processes.
  • To communicate product, service and process risks to stakeholders and listen to and consider their perspectives.
  • To make continual progress toward a goal of no accidents, injuries or harm to human health and the environment from products and operations and openly report health, safety, environmental and security performance.
  • To seek continual improvement in the integrated Responsible Care Management System® to address environmental, health, safety and security performance.
  • To promote Responsible Care by encouraging and assisting other companies to adhere to these Guiding Principles.

In 2013, the ACC enhanced the Responsible Care Management System with the addition of two new codes. The Process Safety Code and the Product Safety Code of Management Principles are intended to assist member companies with effectively achieving the Responsible Care Guiding Principles.

Carus has been an active member of the ACC and product stewardship since its early inception. As an active participant, we have completed product stewardship summaries for Carus potassium permanganate, sodium permanganate, blended phosphates, zinc and orthophosphates, catalysts, and sodium chlorite products.

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Carus Approach

As an active member of the ACC, Carus believes in going above and beyond expectations. We improve our performance by implementing world-class management practices, working with independent auditors, and tracking performance through metrics related to environment, health, safety and security. Current programs have helped us to improve our energy efficiency, and strive for continuous improvement in our daily operations, while safely handling and transporting our products globally. Carus is interested in partnering with customers on innovative solutions with regards to product safety for new products and applications.

Carus has set the following as our RCMS/EHSS policy:

  • To protect the environment and to assure the health, safety, and security of employees, customers, suppliers and the community in which we operate
  • To comply with all applicable environmental, health, safety, and security laws, regulations and Responsible Care related requirements including initiatives related to sustainability
  • To continually improve environmental, health, safety, and security performance and pollution prevention through the development, review and achievement of annual targets and objectives
  • To communicate with employees, customers, and the public, and to foster open dialogue regarding Environment, Health, Safety, Security and Sustainability goals and performance
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