Contact Us for Customized Remediation Solutions

Carus Remediation Technologies (CRT) is a global leader for environmental remediation and offers a wide range of products to solve your environmental concerns. CRT has been active in the remediation industry since the 1990s, and our products have been successfully applied at thousands of sites throughout the world. Our company is committed to providing you with proven, high quality products and our technical team will help guide you towards successful remediation of contaminated sites. Carus offers solutions for ISCO, bioremediation, and treatment of various contaminants of concern.

At Carus, we believe that when it comes to finding a remedial solution, there’s no need to over-complicate treatment. Instead, we make it more manageable for our customers and partners. With our expertise and commitment to SIMPLIFIED SCIENCE®, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of remediation with ease.

Talk to Our Experts

Our Solutions

High angle shot of a laboratory assistant adding purple liquid in test tubes

In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)

The Carus name is synonymous with permanganate. Carus was one of the early leaders in the development of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) using permanganate and was instrumental in developing the remediation market overall.
Landscape of a soybean plantation at dusk, under a sky adorned with intense clouds


In addition to chemical oxidation with permanganate as a treatment technology, Carus offers bioremediation products that are designed to stimulate the naturally occurring bacteria in the soil.
A film of petroleum products shimmers iridescently on the surface of a dirt road. The aftermath of a chemical spill, a dangerous pollution that threatens land and water.

Contaminants Treated

  • Chlorinated Solvents
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons
  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Remediation Selection Chart

Treatment Product Chlorinated Ethenes (PCE,TCE, DCE, VC) Other Chlorinated Solvents TPHs / BTEX / PAHs / MTBE Reactive barriers High velocity aquifers Low permability aquifers Free phase LNAPL DNAPL
Chemical Treatments ISCO • ISCR RemOx® L RemOx® S recommended not applicable not first choice not first choice recomended not first choice not applicable
OBCTM recomended recomended recomended not applicable not applicable not first choice recomended
ABC+ recomended recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended recomended
Biological Treatments Bioremediation ABC- Olé recomended not applicable not first choice not first choice recomended not first choice not applicable
ABC® recomended recomended not applicable not applicable not applicable not first choice not applicable
CAP18® CAP18ME® recomended recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended not applicable
SBC not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable recomended recomended recomended
IXPER®* not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable not first choice not applicable not applicable
Oxygel* not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable not applicable recomended not applicable
* IXPER® and Oxygel available in Europe only

Why Carus?

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Laboratory Support

Carus offers expert technical support to answer questions, assess treatment options, and conduct lab testing. Our services include consulting, treatability and feasibility studies, and comprehensive analytical testing.
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Innovation & Technology

Carus is committed to ongoing innovation to help our customers solve complex environmental challenges. Our team continuously develops new technologies and refines existing solutions to ensure effective, sustainable outcomes for water, air, and soil treatment.
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Carus provides comprehensive on-site treatment assistance as part of our technical support. Our services include technical expertise, supervision, testing, and custom feed equipment design and installation to ensure successful applications.



For over 100 years, Carus has been dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service and support. Our personalized technical expertise and responsive service helps our clients solve their challenges and achieve their goals. We combine responsible chemistry with a customer-first approach.

Ready to Get Started?

At Carus, we specialize in solutions for remediation. Carus is a world leader in the production of high quality RemOx® S ISCO reagent and RemOx® L ISCO reagents used for contaminant removal. To get started, contact us today.
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