2 22 22 Carus Plant 0398

Carus Achieves 1 Year Safety Milestone

In August, Carus achieved 1 year without a recordable injury companywide. We believe in celebrating each safety milestone, and this one is especially important because our entire organization achieved it together.

Accomplishments like this are only possible when every employee remains diligent in their daily work. Our goal is for all employees to keep safety top of mind with a focus on keeping themselves, their families, and their teammates safe. This commitment to safety directly impacts the overall success of the business, and we are so grateful to have employees who prioritize safety.

Employees at the LaSalle manufacturing plant celebrated the milestone with a taco truck lunch, and employees at Peru Headquarters celebrated with a cookout in the parking lot. Safety remains a top priority at Carus, and our goal is for employees to return safely to their loved ones at the end of each day. Congratulations and thank you for staying safe!

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